QNAP [ Ubiquiti UniFi ] Wi-Fi Management

QoolBox a dit:

sorry guys I have an issue
I upgraded from 5.11.48 and I got an error "data base cannot migrated"
so I went back to 5.11.48 save a backup - settings only
installed 5.11.50 and tried a restore.
It fails with:
There was an error uploading the backup file. The backup file you are trying to load is from a newer version of the UniFi Controller and cannot be used with this controller.
but is NOT true as the backup is from 5.11.48

any idea?


p.s. I went back to 5.11.48 and the backup restore and wizard are completely different… looks like the 5.11.50 is much older :)… maybe something messed up
Thank you once more for the upgrade.
After updating I can no longer access the controller.
Tried again my "fix" by stopping and starting java, and disabling web server and reenabling it but still no success.
Is there any way to troubleshoot to identify the culprit?
I tried downgrading to two former versions without success.

Gaudi a dit:
Thank you once more for the upgrade.
After updating I can no longer access the controller.
Tried again my "fix" by stopping and starting java, and disabling web server and reenabling it but still no success.
Is there any way to troubleshoot to identify the culprit?
I tried downgrading to two former versions without success.


which models ?

je viens de faire le update et maintenant je recois

We do not support upgrading from 5.11.48.

Ce qui est bizarre dans les logs c'est marqué
UniFi 5.6.42 (build atag_5.6.42_10376 - release) is started

Donc la version ne semble pas etre bonne
Once more I got the App working after updating to latest
This time steps were:
1. Disable Unifi App
2. Disable JSDK
3. Disable Web Server
4. Restart NAS
5. Enable JSDK
6. Enable Web Server
7. Enable Unifi App

Hope this procedure works next time.

QoolBox a dit:
i screw up on ...
used wrong source

fixing it in

For me worked fine. I just installed the new QPKG, modified the Unifi.sh to get the JSDK path from the installation and I was set :)
msavazzi a dit:
QoolBox a dit:
Source : http://www.ubnt.com./unifi

There is an error in the Unifi.sh script.
The declaration of the QDJ is not parametric and (in my case) the package does not start.
I installed the QDJ from quanpclub.eu :)

Here is the correct code:
export JAVA_HOME=`/sbin/getcfg QJDK8 Install_Path -f ${CONF}`
export JAVA=$JAVA_HOME/bin/java

:) In case you want to fix it :)


This code seems to have fixed the inconsistencies I am having.
If it is correct, can you please modify your source code for future versions?

Apparemment le contrôleur est passé en version : 5.12.22 . Il sont bien gentil chez Ubiquiti mais les versions changent (trop ) souvent . Maintenant je ne fait q'une mise à jour sur 2 !
Sorry to bother but with latest version X86 (I have an old nas with OS 4.2.6, I cannot move to 4.4.x)
I get thousands of:

[2019-11-24T16:31:28,146] <localhost-startStop-1> INFO  db     - waiting for db connection...
[2019-11-24T16:31:28,146] <localhost-startStop-1> INFO  db     - waiting for db connection...
[2019-11-24T16:31:28,146] <localhost-startStop-1> INFO  db     - waiting for db connection...
[2019-11-24T16:31:28,146] <localhost-startStop-1> INFO  db     - waiting for db connection...
[2019-11-24T16:31:28,146] <localhost-startStop-1> INFO  db     - waiting for db connection...
[2019-11-24T16:31:28,146] <localhost-startStop-1> INFO  db     - waiting for db connection...
[2019-11-24T16:31:28,146] <localhost-startStop-1> INFO  db     - waiting for db connection...
[2019-11-24T16:31:28,146] <localhost-startStop-1> INFO  db     - waiting for db connection...
[2019-11-24T16:31:28,146] <localhost-startStop-1> INFO  db     - waiting for db connection...

and is not working.

Can you please check?