QNAP [ Ubiquiti UniFi ] Wi-Fi Management

QoolBox a dit:
that might happen because symlink fro QJDK8 is not present in your /opt

they can be multiple reason

as I've done a clean QDJ installation I do not know why there is not the link. In any case to have an absolute path is bad as the QPKG can decide to change the path as they like.

(I use a QTS 4.2.6 as I cannot move to 4.4.x because is an old NAS)

msavazzi a dit:
Sorry to bother but with latest version X86 (I have an old nas with OS 4.2.6, I cannot move to 4.4.x)
I get thousands of:

[2019-11-24T16:31:28,146] <localhost-startStop-1> INFO  db     - waiting for db connection...
[2019-11-24T16:31:28,146] <localhost-startStop-1> INFO  db     - waiting for db connection...
[2019-11-24T16:31:28,146] <localhost-startStop-1> INFO  db     - waiting for db connection...
[2019-11-24T16:31:28,146] <localhost-startStop-1> INFO  db     - waiting for db connection...
[2019-11-24T16:31:28,146] <localhost-startStop-1> INFO  db     - waiting for db connection...
[2019-11-24T16:31:28,146] <localhost-startStop-1> INFO  db     - waiting for db connection...
[2019-11-24T16:31:28,146] <localhost-startStop-1> INFO  db     - waiting for db connection...
[2019-11-24T16:31:28,146] <localhost-startStop-1> INFO  db     - waiting for db connection...
[2019-11-24T16:31:28,146] <localhost-startStop-1> INFO  db     - waiting for db connection...

and is not working.

Can you please check?

I tried to install both the X86 and the X86_X64 version but they never start. Remain locked.
I upgraded the NAS, removed old Unifi folder, tried a clean install with no luck

EDIT: I re installed version Unifi_5.11.50.1_x86 and worked at the first try :)
so there is something weird on the QPKG... sorry
QoolBox a dit:

I have an old 659. It run the OS 4.2.6 that is 32 bit.

Can you be so kind to package it even for this version?

I've tried to install the X86_X64 and it does not start, from the log:
[2019-12-04T19:16:16,700] <localhost-startStop-1> INFO  system - ======================================================================
[2019-12-04T19:16:16,727] <localhost-startStop-1> INFO  system - UniFi 5.12.35 (build atag_5.12.35_12979 - release/release) is started
[2019-12-04T19:16:16,728] <localhost-startStop-1> INFO  system - ======================================================================
[2019-12-04T19:16:16,731] <localhost-startStop-1> INFO  system - BASE dir:/share/MD0_DATA/.qpkg/Unifi/UniFi
[2019-12-04T19:16:16,951] <localhost-startStop-1> INFO  system - Current System IP:
[2019-12-04T19:16:17,999] <localhost-startStop-1> INFO  system - Hostname: nas-homelan
[2019-12-04T19:16:19,763] <localhost-startStop-1> INFO  db     - waiting for db connection...
[2019-12-04T19:16:22,513] <db-server> INFO  db     - DbServer stopped
[2019-12-04T19:16:26,611] <db-server> INFO  db     - DbServer stopped
[2019-12-04T19:16:30,634] <db-server> INFO  db     - DbServer stopped

I think this is the issue:
[/share/MD0_DATA/.qpkg/Unifi/UniFi/bin] # ./mongo
./mongo: error while loading shared libraries: librt.so.1: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32
[/share/MD0_DATA/.qpkg/Unifi/UniFi/bin] # ./mongod
./mongod: error while loading shared libraries: librt.so.1: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32

Thank you
QoolBox a dit:
forgot upload the x86 version... done (but cant test it , i dont have old Legacy NAS around)

Sorry but it does not work :(
The last one that works fine is the Unifi_5.11.50.1_x86
do you know what has changed?

I will try to setup a a NAS with an old 4.2.5 to be in 32bit.. and check

but just saw that MongoDB do not support anymore 32bit architecture.. may be the root of the problem, if a newer mongodb version is required to run latest version
QoolBox a dit:
I will try to setup a a NAS with an old 4.2.5 to be in 32bit.. and check

but just saw that MongoDB do not support anymore 32bit architecture.. may be the root of the problem, if a newer mongodb version is required to run latest version

Argh! this would be bad indeed.

QoolBox a dit:
I will try to setup a a NAS with an old 4.2.5 to be in 32bit.. and check

but just saw that MongoDB do not support anymore 32bit architecture.. may be the root of the problem, if a newer mongodb version is required to run latest version

Were you able to check?
I did other test but I'm not too good and was not able to solve it
I wanted to ask you that you're experts. is there any version for arm or better even for those who have 32bit annapurna labs like a 231P2? I tried to docker arm unifi but I can't start it properly. Any solution you can give me to install unifi on this nas with ARM as is the 231P2 ? Maybe a ubuntu in the container station? Thanks a lot. :roll: Best regards :-D
TS-231P2 is arm64, a version arm64 is provided in Qnapclub Repo

the Unifi version arm64 should work (but may be this NAS do not have enought ressource memory) , i tested it on TS-332 only
QoolBox a dit:
TS-231P2 is arm64, a version arm64 is provided in Qnapclub Repo

the Unifi version arm64 should work (but may be this NAS do not have enought ressource memory) , i tested it on TS-332 only

Thanks Qoolbox.

I am unlucky, I have checked that it is not arm64 according to Qnap : CPU AnnapurnaLabs Alpine AL-314 32-bit ARM® Cortex-A15 quad-core 1.7GHz processor
CPU Architecture 32-bit ARM .

I did not find it in the qnapclub repository, by memory would have no problem, it has 4GB of ram. Could any platform or solution still work with this NAS? Best regards :-D

Edit: Interestingly, there is a docker developed for a rpi "unifi-rpi:5.11.48-arm32v7" with a version in arm32 but I do not know how it works. It installs the docker but then on the console I throw this error :

"OpenJDK Client VM warning: You have loaded library /usr/lib/unifi/lib/native/Linux/armv7/libubnt_webrtc_jni.so which might have disa
bled stack guard. The VM will try to fix the stack guard now.
It's highly recommended that you fix the library with 'execstack -c <libfile>', or link it with '-z noexecstack'. "

Best regards
ooops so many models, i confund them :)

i have no idea for the docker error

but unifi require a mongodb database... unfortunately they stopped 32bit support
and compiling it is a pain in a..
QoolBox a dit:
ooops so many models, i confund them :)

i have no idea for the docker error

but unifi require a mongodb database... unfortunately they stopped 32bit support
and compiling it is a pain in a..

Anyway thank you very much for your clarifications, I did not know that the problem was that they stopped supporting 32bit mongodb. But surely the best way will be to find a container station machine that integrates unifi for arm32 :whistle: . Greetings and thanks :wink:
oyasama a dit:
QoolBox a dit:
ooops so many models, i confund them :)

i have no idea for the docker error

but unifi require a mongodb database... unfortunately they stopped 32bit support
and compiling it is a pain in a..

Anyway thank you very much for your clarifications, I did not know that the problem was that they stopped supporting 32bit mongodb. But surely the best way will be to find a container station machine that integrates unifi for arm32 :whistle: . Greetings and thanks :wink:

Well, I finally found a docker for container station that works easily for Unifi, plus it updates frequently, although I haven't researched how to upgrade yet. In case anyone needs a Nas with Arm32 and that supports container with more than 1gb of ram, this is the one you should look for designed for Rpi 2/3 : https://hub.docker.com/r/ryansch/unifi-rpi of ryansch/unifi-rpi developer. After starting it, just put the network settings into bridge mode. Best regards :bounce: