Is anyone having a similar issue?Gaudi a dit:Thank you very much for the updated version of the program.
I have noticed that the downloaded files are owned by admin, and as an administrator of my QNAP, I cannot modify the files unless I change the ownership to my own account.
Is there anything I am missing?
QoolBox a dit:Hi Gaudi
if i remember in Transmission (may be i confund with SAbnzbd) you may set autorisation 0777 on file downloaded...
i am really not sure, just reminisce of past use
chown -R UserXXX:administrators $TR_TORRENT_DIR
chmod 777 -R $TR_TORRENT_DIR
I think the new version is just not compatible, I registeredAtreyu a dit:Any suggestion whether this is compatible with a TS-410 or how I can find out what version of the qpkg to use?
jérôme a dit:hello,
je suis sur QTS 4.2.3,
j'ai installer transmission 2.84-b-24, quand je l'active, il me renvois dans un nouvel onglet:
qu'est-ce que je dois faire maintenant? :|
comment le configurer pour qu'il soit utilisable.