QNAP [ QTransmission ] [ 2.94.0 ] Bittorrent Client

Bonjour / Bonsoir,

Ayant un TS-431P2 tout neuf, j'ai essayé d'installer QTransmission via le qpkg depuis le Qnap Club, (Version 2.94.0 et j'ai pris en TS-X31) mais dès qu'il lance l'installation il retourne une erreur : [App Center] Failed to install QTransmission 2.94.0. Installation package is incompatible. Use the correct package.

Ma version de QTS est

Y'a-t-il quelque chose à faire avant de pouvoir l'installer ?

Merci d'avance :)
Sur le site de QNAP : Processeur quad-core AnnapurnaLabs Alpine AL-314 32 bits ARM® Cortex-A15 1,7 GHz

Je suis tombé sur ce post : https://forum.qnap.com/viewtopic.php?t=131352
"All Annapurna Labs ARMv7 (32-bit) models like the TS-x31P, TS-x31+, TS-x31U, TS-x31X, TSx35) require using the "TS-x41" packages - the "TS-x31" packages are exclusively for the TS-x31 only."

J'ai essayé avec des packages en TS-X41 et là c'est passé sans soucis.

sorry for writing in English but i don't speak french.

After several years, the V3.00 of transmission was released :mrgreen:

Is an Update of QTransmission possible?
QoolBox a dit:

Thanks QoolBox for the new release!!

It would be great to add to the release the improved Web Interface found here: https://github.com/ronggang/transmission-web-control

Steps I have followed to install.

  • Stop Transmission, this is important as changes are reverted if Transmission is running.
  • Clone web server tree is found here: https://github.com/ronggang/transmission-web-control/tree/master/src
  • Copy the files from the download src folder to /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/QTransmission3/share/transmission (in my NAS)
    I have created a folder called remote-control.
  • Edit QTransmission3.sh (/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/QTransmission3) and add the line
    export TRANSMISSION_WEB_HOME=$QPKG_ROOT/share/transmission/remote-control
    export HOME=$QPKG_ROOT
  • Restart Transmission and the new interface should be online.

I guess that an upgrade will overwrite the QTransmission3.sh file, which will need to be edited again while maintaining the settings.

Thanks again and regards.
QoolBox a dit:
Gaudi a dit:
Thanks QoolBox for the new release!!

It would be great to add to the release the improved Web Interface found here: https://github.com/ronggang/transmission-web-control

any english version ?

Thanks for your quick reply.

Although the readme is in chinese, the web interface is actually in English, and it has some other languages as well (as shown here: https://github.com/ronggang/transmission-web-control/tree/master/src/tr-web-control/i18n)
For the English read me: https://github.com/ronggang/transmission-web-control/wiki

I have not used the install script, rather than that I performed the steps listed in my previous post.
The install script stored here (https://github.com/ronggang/transmission-web-control/blob/master/release/install-tr-control.sh) may perform other activities. You could take a look to understand its inner working. I lack some knowledge to fully understand it.

Thank you!

Source : http://www.transmissionbt.com

Transmission est un logiciel qui permet de télécharger des fichiers en utilisant le protocole Bittorrent.
Transmission est suffisamment configurable pour ravir les utilisateurs les plus exigeants.
Il est notamment possible de sélectionner un dossier de téléchargement par défaut, une plage horaire à laquelle une limite de trafic est appliquée, surveiller un dossier de fichier torrent à démarrer, arrêter automatiquement le partage après un certain seuil, limiter la bande passante, sélectionner le port TCP à utiliser, etc.

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Forget it, please. Solved already.
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