QNAP [ QSickRage ] [ 9.3.81 ] SickBeard PVR Fork


Je suis tout nouveau sur Qnap, je viens d'installer Qsickrage avec le lien du post1 ( ver. 7.0.22 )

Tout s'est bien passé et Sickrage se lance bien, néanmoins, impossible de lancer une recherche style "popular shows" ou même en ajoutant un" show" manuellement.

J'ai systématiquement :

" Fetching of IMDB Data failed. Are you online?

Vous savez d'ou ca peut venir ?

Merci ;)
Salut !

Toujours pas d'update ou un patch ?

J'ai hâte de pouvoir me servir de Sickrage moi ! ;)

vu que je ne comprend plus qui est la version officiel SickRageTV ou l'autre SickRage

je publie deux version, SirckrageTV voit son qpkg renommé du coup

sickrage semble beaucoup mieux fonctionner... bref je vais pas rentrer ans la gueguerre des clans sickrageux...

choisissez et profitez de la version qui vous plait le plus... :mrgreen:
Bonsoir Qoolbox et merci pour le partage.

Sickrage reprend désormais du service ;) fonctionnement impec chez moi.


Sorry for posting in English on a French forum. It's been decades since I took French in school. :)

I think there is something wrong with the SickRage package (QSickRage_20160323_x86, not the SickRageTV package) where it appears to corrupt the databases. It seems that it is writing log information directly to the sickbeard.db database. I'm not sure if the problem is in SickRage or the QSickRage package, but I was using a different package to run SickRage for a while when the whole SickRageTV/SickRage split happened, and I didn't have problems there.

Here's how I can get it to happen every time:

  1. Install QSickRage
  2. Stop QSickRage in App Center
  3. Delete everything under the "DATAS" directory
  4. Edit sickbeard.conf and change "debug = 0" to "debug = 1"
  5. Start QSickRage in App Center

After starting QSickRage, I see this in my log:
[/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/QSickRage/DATAS] # cat Logs/sickrage.log
2016-03-29 14:39:18 DEBUG    MAIN :: Parsed Show.Name.S02E03.HDTV.XviD-RLSGROUP into Show Name - S02E03 [GROUP: RLSGROUP] [ABD: False] [ANIME: False] [whichReg: ['standard']]
2016-03-29 14:39:18 DEBUG    MAIN :: Found codec for 'Show Name: Ep Name'.
2016-03-29 14:39:18 DEBUG    MAIN :: Episode has no release group, replacing it with 'RLSGROUP'
2016-03-29 14:39:18 DEBUG    MAIN :: formatting pattern: %SN - S%0SE%0E - %EN -> Show Name - S02E03 - Ep Name
2016-03-29 14:39:18 DEBUG    MAIN :: Parsed Show.Name.S02E03.HDTV.XviD-RLSGROUP into Show Name - S02E03 [GROUP: RLSGROUP] [ABD: False] [ANIME: False] [whichReg: ['standard']]
2016-03-29 14:39:18 DEBUG    MAIN :: Found codec for 'Show Name: Ep Name'.
2016-03-29 14:39:18 DEBUG    MAIN :: formatting pattern: Season %0S -> Season 02
2016-03-29 14:39:18 DEBUG    MAIN :: Trying to parse Show Name - S02E03 - Ep Name.ext
2016-03-29 14:39:18 DEBUG    MAIN :: Parsed Show Name - S02E03 - Ep Name.ext into Show Name - S02E03 [ABD: False] [ANIME: False] [whichReg: ['standard']]
2016-03-29 14:39:18 DEBUG    MAIN :: The name Show Name - S02E03 - Ep Name.ext parsed into Show Name - S02E03 [ABD: False] [ANIME: False] [whichReg: ['standard']]
2016-03-29 14:39:18 DEBUG    MAIN :: Checking database structure...sickbeard.db
2016-03-29 14:39:18 ERROR    MAIN :: [78bcf67] Fatal error executing query: file is encrypted or is not a database
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/QSickRage/SiCKRAGE-master/sickbeard/db.py", line 257, in action
    sql_results = self._execute(query, args, fetchall=fetchall, fetchone=fetchone)
  File "/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/QSickRage/SiCKRAGE-master/sickbeard/db.py", line 108, in _execute
    sql_results = self.connection.cursor().execute(query, args)
DatabaseError: file is encrypted or is not a database

And, when doing a "cat sickbeard.db", which should spit out some gibberish, it instead just gives me this plain text:
[/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/QSickRage/DATAS] # cat sickbeard.db
14:39:18 DEBUG::MAIN :: Checking database structure...sickbeard.db
14:39:18 ERROR::MAIN :: [78bcf67] Fatal error executing query: file is encrypted or is not a database
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/QSickRage/SiCKRAGE-master/sickbeard/db.py", line 257, in action
    sql_results = self._execute(query, args, fetchall=fetchall, fetchone=fetchone)
  File "/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/QSickRage/SiCKRAGE-master/sickbeard/db.py", line 108, in _execute
    sql_results = self.connection.cursor().execute(query, args)
DatabaseError: file is encrypted or is not a database
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "SickBeard.py", line 564, in <module>
  File "SickBeard.py", line 313, in start
  File "/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/QSickRage/SiCKRAGE-master/sickbeard/__init__.py", line 1387, in initialize
    db.upgradeDatabase(main_db_con, mainDB.InitialSchema)
  File "/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/QSickRage/SiCKRAGE-master/sickbeard/db.py", line 424, in upgradeDatabase
    _processUpgrade(connection, schema)
  File "/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/QSickRage/SiCKRAGE-master/sickbeard/db.py", line 449, in _processUpgrade
    if not instance.test():
  File "/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/QSickRage/SiCKRAGE-master/sickbeard/databases/mainDB.py", line 303, in test
    return self.hasTable("db_version")
  File "/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/QSickRage/SiCKRAGE-master/sickbeard/db.py", line 471, in hasTable
    return len(self.connection.select("SELECT 1 FROM sqlite_master WHERE name = ?;", (tableName, ))) > 0
  File "/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/QSickRage/SiCKRAGE-master/sickbeard/db.py", line 287, in select
    sql_results = self.action(query, args, fetchall=True)
  File "/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/QSickRage/SiCKRAGE-master/sickbeard/db.py", line 257, in action
    sql_results = self._execute(query, args, fetchall=fetchall, fetchone=fetchone)
  File "/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/QSickRage/SiCKRAGE-master/sickbeard/db.py", line 108, in _execute
    sql_results = self.connection.cursor().execute(query, args)
sqlite3.DatabaseError: file is encrypted or is not a database

If you don't set debug to 1, it will create the databases and seem to work at first. But after stopping and starting SickRage once or twice, you'll get a "database disk image is malformed" error in the log. If it matters, I'm running this on a TS-451 with QTS 4.2.0 build 20160311.

And I have a few suggestions:
  • I think it might be better to leave off the "--config" option in the QSickRage.sh script and have the config file be DATAS/config.ini. This is because the backup/restore functionality within SickRage seems to expect the config file to be config.ini in the data directory.
  • I'm not sure if doing a "kill -9" when shutting down is the best. Probably a regular kill would be better so SickRage will try to shutdown normally. I suppose you could do a regular kill on the PID, sleep for a bit and, if it's still there, then do a kill -9.
  • The unrar binary appears to be missing, so it would be good if it was included in the package.
requested change has been done in 160328 version

added unrar and unzip as well
now all config and logs are based on SR directory with name config.ini

on stop it make a first kill of PID and kill -9 on second stage

Thanks! Just got some time to test it out.

The db corruption appears to be resolved. However, while it successfully started up and ran after installing, when starting QSickRage from App Center it just seemed to die shortly after starting. Yet, it started fine if I manually ran the QSickRage.sh script. In hopes of seeing if there were errors being spit out that I didn't see, I redirected the output for the SickBeard.py line in the script:

$PYTHON SickBeard.py -p "29989" --daemon > $QPKG_ROOT/sb.log 2>&1

While it didn't spit anything out into that log file, it now starts up fine from App Center. :? Not sure why that would change anything. Oh well, it's working!

One more suggestion. In the script, the line after you do the first kill ($KILL $PID), you'll probably want to do a "sleep 3" or maybe "sleep 5" to give it some time to shutdown before the kill -9 happens (takes 1 or 2 seconds on my NAS). And maybe run the findpid function again. So, maybe something like this (force kill section merged into the normal kill section):

   if [[ -n "$PID" ]]; then
    echo "$DESC (pid $PID)"
    $KILL $PID
    sleep 5 # sleep for a bit to give SickRage time to shut down
    PID=`_findpid` # run findpid again to see if SickRage didn't shut down
    # if PID still exists, force kill
    if [[ -n "$PID" ]]; then
     $KILL -9 $PID
           echo "$DESC is stopped."

Oh, and if you did want to keep things separate, you could leave the "--datadir" option for the SickBeard.py command. It was just the "--config" option that didn't seem to play nice with the backup/restore functionality.

Pourrait-ont avoir les dernières version en cours svp https://github.com/SickRage/SickRage

how can SSL be activated in this application? On port 29989 QSickrage only responds to http not https despite SSL activated in the config.

J'ai cette erreur:
2016-12-19 11:07:26 CHECKVERSION :: Unable to contact github, can't check for update: timeout('timed out',)

Il y a t-il un moyen de valider pourquoi?
