QNAP [ QSickRage ] [ 9.3.81 ] SickBeard PVR Fork


Mate once again thank you for all your efforts, you are the only person in the Qnap community who has actually found a way around all these bloodly SSL errors.

I have been searching on here for an Updated "Sickbeard" QPKG that has been modified to use your Qpython Qpkg but sadly i see no mention of it anywhere.

Is this something you plan to do? No persure at all, i'm just asking what your intentions are.

Thanks again for all your help.
Hi Wacko,

yes i can update SickBeard on the same way, as i did for SickRage and Couchpotato with a dedicated python embedded.

my QPython has too recent python modules and sometimes not supported yet by the different applications...

stay tune ;)

Just to report that the sickbeard version with python embedded is running smooth, no problems at all!! :)
Hi Stéphane, thanks a lot for this version! One question, since I am running this version I have an issue with unrar...
2015-08-08 13:18:58 Thread-52 :: Rar Not Supported: Unsupported RAR version, expected 4.x or 5.x, found: 3.60

Don't have the same issue with the version of clinton.hall but since your version is the only one that doesn't have SSL issues so I would really like to run your version! Thanks for the help!


J'ai installé qsickrage, mais j'ai des erreurs de logs

Est ce que vous savez comment faire pour ne plus avoir d'erreurs?

Voici mon log


2015-08-09 19:41:04 SEARCHQUEUE-BACKLOG-269578 :: [T411] :: Error while searching T411, skipping: argument of type 'NoneType' is not iterable

2015-08-09 19:41:04 INFO SEARCHQUEUE-BACKLOG-269578 :: [T411] :: No needed episodes found during backlog search for: [Sleepy Hollow]
AATypeError: argument of type 'NoneType' is not iterable
AA if 'token' in response:
AA File "/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/QSickRage/SickRage/sickbeard/providers/t411.py", line 96, in _doLogin
AA if not self._doLogin():
AA File "/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/QSickRage/SickRage/sickbeard/providers/generic.py", line 139, in getURL
AA data = self.getURL(searchURL, json=True)
AA File "/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/QSickRage/SickRage/sickbeard/providers/t411.py", line 170, in _doSearch
AA itemList += self._doSearch(curString, search_mode, len(episodes), epObj=epObj)
AA File "/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/QSickRage/SickRage/sickbeard/providers/generic.py", line 351, in findSearchResults
AA searchResults = curProvider.findSearchResults(show, episodes, search_mode, manualSearch, downCurQuality)
AA File "/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/QSickRage/SickRage/sickbeard/search.py", line 469, in searchProviders
AATypeError: argument of type 'NoneType' is not iterable
AA if 'token' in response:
AA File "/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/QSickRage/SickRage/sickbeard/providers/t411.py", line 96, in _doLogin
AA if not self._doLogin():
AA File "/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/QSickRage/SickRage/sickbeard/providers/generic.py", line 139, in getURL
AA data = self.getURL(searchURL, json=True)
AA File "/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/QSickRage/SickRage/sickbeard/providers/t411.py", line 170, in _doSearch
AA itemList += self._doSearch(curString, search_mode, len(episodes), epObj=epObj)
AA File "/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/QSickRage/SickRage/sickbeard/providers/generic.py", line 351, in findSearchResults
AA searchResults = curProvider.findSearchResults(show, episodes, search_mode, manualSearch, downCurQuality)
AA File "/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/QSickRage/SickRage/sickbeard/search.py", line 469, in searchProviders
AATraceback (most recent call last):
QoolBox a dit:
mmmmm seems i forgot to add rar binary in this package.

it can be added with ease in a next release.. ;)

Thanks! That would be great.
Btw, got the same issue with your release of CouchPatato.. :-)
QoolBox a dit:
nick a dit:
QoolBox a dit:
mmmmm seems i forgot to add rar binary in this package.

it can be added with ease in a next release.. ;)

Thanks! That would be great.
Btw, got the same issue with your release of CouchPatato.. :-)

asking to myself if it will not better to make a rar qpkg, for better reliability

If the time permits, always try to go for whatever is best :D
QoolBox a dit:
Hi Nick,

could you please have try to http://www.positiv-it.fr/QNAP/APP/Unrar_5.3.2_x86.rar

installing this will add unrar command line as symlink inside your /usr/bin which is in NAS $PATH

let me know ;)


Thanks a lot!
Tried it out and when I sign in with ssh I see version UNRAR 5.30 beta 2 freeware so it installed ok.
However when I enable unpack in sickbeard I get the error below... Couchpatato seems ok.

2015-08-13 21:38:13 Thread-74 :: Rar Not Supported: time data '2003-06-30 01:59' does not match format '%d-%m-%y %H:%M'

Any idea?
QoolBox a dit:


look like time stamp of the rar archive is not good order '%d-%m-%y %H:%M' (european) but actually '%y-%m-%d %H:%M' (american)

I didn't download any rar archive yet, it gives that error in sickrage as soon as I enable "unpack".. Weird one indeed..