QNAP [ Emby ] [ ] Media server

J'ai installé la dernière version puis ça semblait fonctionner. J'ai ajouté mon share de TV, il semble avoir été bien scanné, mais quand j'assai de naviger, ça me donne des erreurs puis si je reload la page, unable to connect...
Sub_Dude a dit:
J'ai installé la dernière version puis ça semblait fonctionner. J'ai ajouté mon share de TV, il semble avoir été bien scanné, mais quand j'assai de naviger, ça me donne des erreurs puis si je reload la page, unable to connect...

bon c'est une version Beta la .2, essaye d’arrêter l'application et de la redémarrer...
je sais pas si on peut avoir accés à des logs, peut être dans :

Hmm, y a-t-il moyen d'attacher des fichiers sur ce forum? J'ai récupéré les logs, mais c'est trop gros pour coller dans un message. Je te les envoie comment?
Sub_Dude a dit:
Hmm, y a-t-il moyen d'attacher des fichiers sur ce forum? J'ai récupéré les logs, mais c'est trop gros pour coller dans un message. Je te les envoie comment?

un petit tar.gz et par PM je pense, sinon pastebin

j'arrive pas à faire planter le mien sur TS-253PRO, mais bon j'ai pas beaucoup de fichier multimédia
Bah, trop gros pour pastebin, pas d'attachements même via pm (ou je n'ai pas trouvé). Dropbox à la rescousse!

Sub_Dude a dit:
Bah, trop gros pour pastebin, pas d'attachements même via pm (ou je n'ai pas trouvé). Dropbox à la rescousse!


on va essayer d'analyser

je vois déjà :

problème avec Imagick, donc il passe sur GDI

libMagickWand-6.Q8.so, j'utilise une version plus récente libMagickWand-6.Q16.so

Error - HttpAsyncTaskHandler: Error occured while Processing Request: User with Id 02679077802dac8a6fe615b53dd5f8c9 not found

je pense qu'il trouve pas ton compte

 Error - DtoService: Failed to determine primary image aspect ratio for /share/MD0_DATA/Qmultimedia/TV Shows/XXXXXXXXXXX/folder.jpg

il arrive pas à prendre un cap pour un thumbail, je pense ... (ou l'encodage)

ensuite des erreur lié à GDI

System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ConfiguredTaskAwaitable`1+ConfiguredTaskAwaiter[MediaBrowser.Controller.Library.ItemUpdateType].GetResult () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
	  at MediaBrowser.Providers.Manager.MetadataService`2+<RunCustomProvider>d__4d[MediaBrowser.Controller.Entities.UserView,MediaBrowser.Controller.Providers.ItemLookupInfo].MoveNext () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
	InnerException: System.DllNotFoundException
	  at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Drawing.GDIPlus:GdiplusStartup (ulong&,System.Drawing.GdiplusStartupInput&,System.Drawing.GdiplusStartupOutput&)
	  at System.Drawing.GDIPlus..cctor () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

donc il y a peut être un soucis avec GDI qui peut pas être compilé sur Linux headless car nécéssite X-Windows... faudrait résoudre le problème lié à Imagik, à moins que l'auteur resolve se problème dans la version stable
je pense avoir trouvé le workaround :

install ImageMagick (preferably Q8)
if not using ImageMagick Q8, adjust ImageMagickSharp.config.dll to point to the correct version

il faut editer :

  <dllmap dll="CORE_RL_Wand_.dll" target="libMagickWand-6.Q8.so" os="linux"/>
  <dllmap dll="CORE_RL_Wand_.dll" target="libMagickWand-6.so" os="freebsd,openbsd,netbsd"/>
  <dllmap dll="CORE_RL_Wand_.dll" target="./MediaInfo/osx/libmediainfo.dylib" os="osx"/>

pas sur s'il faut mettre le chemin

  <dllmap dll="CORE_RL_Wand_.dll" target="libMagickWand-6.Q16.so" os="linux"/>
  <dllmap dll="CORE_RL_Wand_.dll" target="libMagickWand-6.so" os="freebsd,openbsd,netbsd"/>
  <dllmap dll="CORE_RL_Wand_.dll" target="./MediaInfo/osx/libmediainfo.dylib" os="osx"/>

je testerai demain
bon je viens de tester, ça ne résoud pas le problème.

je suis donc aller plus loin pour voir si ça ne venait pas de ImageMagick et bingo !!!

ImageMagick ne trouve pas une librairie, il a mal compiler une library, qui fait appelle à une autre librairie de ma version de glibc en provenance de mon toolchain

on peut le voir en faisant un LD_PRELOAD de libmagickWand avant de lancer l'instruction mono, ou simplement en lançant une commande stream

je ne suis pas certain que ça corrige le problème, mais je vais devoir mettre à jour Qmono et par la même occasion MediaBrowser (emby)

merci de patienter... :ugeek: :ugeek: :ugeek:
Je viens de tester mon fix et ça à l'air de fonctionner plus d'erreur ImageMagick

2015-04-17 19:37:44.5663 Info - Main: Emby
	Command line: /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/MediaBrowser/MediaBrowser/MediaBrowser.Server.Mono.exe
	Operating system: Unix
	Processor count: 4
	64-Bit OS: False
	64-Bit Process: False
	Program data path: /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/MediaBrowser/MediaBrowser/ProgramData-Server
	Mono: 3.12.1 (tarball Sun Apr 12 08:34:28 EDT 2015)
	Application Path: /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/MediaBrowser/MediaBrowser/MediaBrowser.Server.Mono.exe
2015-04-17 19:37:45.4481 Info - App: Application version: 3.0.5582.2
2015-04-17 19:37:45.6222 Info - App: Application configuration:
	{"EnableUPnP":true,"PublicPort":8096,"PublicHttpsPort":8920,"HttpServerPortNumber":8096,"HttpsPortNumber":8920,"EnableHttps":false,"EnableUserSpecificUserViews":true,"EnableInternetProviders":true,"IsPortAuthorized":true,"SeasonZeroDisplayName":"Specials","SaveLocalMeta":false,"EnableLocalizedGuids":true,"EnableLibraryMetadataSubFolder":true,"PreferredMetadataLanguage":"fr","MetadataCountryCode":"FR","SortReplaceCharacters":[".","+","%"],"SortRemoveCharacters":[",","&","-","{","}","'"],"SortRemoveWords":["the","a","an"],"MinResumePct":5,"MaxResumePct":90,"MinResumeDurationSeconds":300,"RealtimeMonitorDelay":30,"EnableDashboardResponseCaching":true,"EnableDashboardResourceMinification":true,"DashboardSourcePath":"","MergeMetadataAndImagesByName":true,"EnableStandaloneMetadata":true,"ImageSavingConvention":"Compatible","MetadataOptions":[{"ItemType":"Book","ImageOptions":[{"Type":"Backdrop","Limit":1,"MinWidth":1280}],"DisabledMetadataSavers":[],"LocalMetadataReaderOrder":[],"DisabledMetadataFetchers":[],"MetadataFetcherOrder":[],"DisabledImageFetchers":[],"ImageFetcherOrder":[]},{"ItemType":"Movie","ImageOptions":[{"Type":"Backdrop","Limit":3,"MinWidth":1280},{"Type":"Art","Limit":0,"MinWidth":0},{"Type":"Disc","Limit":0,"MinWidth":0},{"Type":"Primary","Limit":1,"MinWidth":0},{"Type":"Banner","Limit":1,"MinWidth":0},{"Type":"Thumb","Limit":1,"MinWidth":0},{"Type":"Logo","Limit":1,"MinWidth":0}],"DisabledMetadataSavers":["Emby Xml"],"LocalMetadataReaderOrder":[],"DisabledMetadataFetchers":[],"MetadataFetcherOrder":[],"DisabledImageFetchers":[],"ImageFetcherOrder":[]},{"ItemType":"Series","ImageOptions":[{"Type":"Backdrop","Limit":2,"MinWidth":1280},{"Type":"Art","Limit":0,"MinWidth":0},{"Type":"Primary","Limit":1,"MinWidth":0},{"Type":"Banner","Limit":1,"MinWidth":0},{"Type":"Thumb","Limit":1,"MinWidth":0},{"Type":"Logo","Limit":1,"MinWidth":0}],"DisabledMetadataSavers":["Emby Xml"],"LocalMetadataReaderOrder":[],"DisabledMetadataFetchers":[],"MetadataFetcherOrder":[],"DisabledImageFetchers":[],"ImageFetcherOrder":[]},{"ItemType":"MusicAlbum","ImageOptions":[{"Type":"Backdrop","Limit":1,"MinWidth":1280},{"Type":"Disc","Limit":0,"MinWidth":0}],"DisabledMetadataSavers":["Emby Xml"],"LocalMetadataReaderOrder":[],"DisabledMetadataFetchers":[],"MetadataFetcherOrder":[],"DisabledImageFetchers":[],"ImageFetcherOrder":[]},{"ItemType":"MusicArtist","ImageOptions":[{"Type":"Backdrop","Limit":1,"MinWidth":1280},{"Type":"Banner","Limit":0,"MinWidth":0},{"Type":"Art","Limit":0,"MinWidth":0}],"DisabledMetadataSavers":["Emby Xml"],"LocalMetadataReaderOrder":[],"DisabledMetadataFetchers":[],"MetadataFetcherOrder":[],"DisabledImageFetchers":[],"ImageFetcherOrder":[]},{"ItemType":"Season","ImageOptions":[{"Type":"Backdrop","Limit":0,"MinWidth":1280}],"DisabledMetadataSavers":["Emby Xml"],"LocalMetadataReaderOrder":[],"DisabledMetadataFetchers":[],"MetadataFetcherOrder":[],"DisabledImageFetchers":[],"ImageFetcherOrder":[]},{"ItemType":"Episode","ImageOptions":[{"Type":"Backdrop","Limit":3,"MinWidth":1280}],"DisabledMetadataSavers":["Emby Xml"],"LocalMetadataReaderOrder":[],"DisabledMetadataFetchers":[],"MetadataFetcherOrder":[],"DisabledImageFetchers":[],"ImageFetcherOrder":[]},{"ItemType":"MusicVideo","ImageOptions":[{"Type":"Backdrop","Limit":3,"MinWidth":1280}],"DisabledMetadataSavers":["Emby Xml"],"LocalMetadataReaderOrder":[],"DisabledMetadataFetchers":[],"MetadataFetcherOrder":[],"DisabledImageFetchers":[],"ImageFetcherOrder":[]},{"ItemType":"Video","ImageOptions":[{"Type":"Backdrop","Limit":3,"MinWidth":1280}],"DisabledMetadataSavers":["Emby Xml"],"LocalMetadataReaderOrder":[],"DisabledMetadataFetchers":[],"MetadataFetcherOrder":[],"DisabledImageFetchers":[],"ImageFetcherOrder":[]}],"EnableAutomaticRestart":true,"EnableRealtimeMonitor":true,"PathSubstitutions":[],"UICulture":"en-us","PeopleMetadataOptions":{"DownloadActorMetadata":true,"DownloadDirectorMetadata":true,"DownloadProducerMetadata":false,"DownloadWriterMetadata":false,"DownloadComposerMetadata":false,"DownloadOtherPeopleMetadata":false,"DownloadGuestStarMetadata":false},"FindInternetTrailers":true,"InsecureApps9":["Chromecast","iOS","Unknown app","MediaPortal","Media Portal","iPad","iPhone","Windows Phone"],"SaveMetadataHidden":false,"ContentTypes":[],"EnableAudioArchiveFiles":false,"EnableVideoArchiveFiles":false,"RemoteClientBitrateLimit":0,"EnableDebugLevelLogging":true,"EnableAutoUpdate":true,"SystemUpdateLevel":"Release","LogFileRetentionDays":3,"RunAtStartup":false,"IsStartupWizardCompleted":true}
2015-04-17 19:37:45.9459 Info - App: Loading MediaBrowser.Api, Version=3.0.5582.2, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
2015-04-17 19:37:45.9459 Info - App: Loading MediaBrowser.WebDashboard, Version=3.0.5582.2, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
2015-04-17 19:37:45.9459 Info - App: Loading MediaBrowser.Model, Version=3.0.5582.2, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
2015-04-17 19:37:45.9459 Info - App: Loading MediaBrowser.Common, Version=3.0.5582.2, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
2015-04-17 19:37:45.9459 Info - App: Loading MediaBrowser.Controller, Version=3.0.5582.2, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
2015-04-17 19:37:45.9466 Info - App: Loading MediaBrowser.Providers, Version=3.0.5582.2, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
2015-04-17 19:37:45.9466 Info - App: Loading MediaBrowser.Common.Implementations, Version=3.0.5582.2, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
2015-04-17 19:37:45.9466 Info - App: Loading MediaBrowser.Server.Implementations, Version=3.0.5582.2, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
2015-04-17 19:37:45.9466 Info - App: Loading MediaBrowser.MediaEncoding, Version=3.0.5582.2, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
2015-04-17 19:37:45.9466 Info - App: Loading MediaBrowser.Dlna, Version=3.0.5582.2, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
2015-04-17 19:37:45.9466 Info - App: Loading MediaBrowser.LocalMetadata, Version=3.0.5582.2, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
2015-04-17 19:37:45.9466 Info - App: Loading MediaBrowser.XbmcMetadata, Version=3.0.5582.2, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
2015-04-17 19:37:45.9466 Info - App: Loading MediaBrowser.IsoMounting.Linux, Version=1.0.5131.24779, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
2015-04-17 19:37:45.9466 Info - App: Loading MediaBrowser.Server.Mono, Version=3.0.5582.2, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
2015-04-17 19:37:45.9466 Info - App: Loading MediaBrowser.Server.Startup.Common, Version=3.0.5582.2, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
2015-04-17 19:37:46.6710 Info - SqliteUserRepository: Sqlite opening /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/MediaBrowser/MediaBrowser/ProgramData-Server/data/users.db
2015-04-17 19:37:46.8188 Info - SqliteItemRepository: Sqlite opening /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/MediaBrowser/MediaBrowser/ProgramData-Server/data/chapters.db
2015-04-17 19:37:46.8727 Info - SqliteItemRepository: Sqlite opening /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/MediaBrowser/MediaBrowser/ProgramData-Server/data/mediainfo.db
2015-04-17 19:37:46.9087 Info - SqliteFileOrganizationRepository: Sqlite opening /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/MediaBrowser/MediaBrowser/ProgramData-Server/data/fileorganization.db
2015-04-17 19:37:46.9338 Info - AuthenticationRepository: Sqlite opening /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/MediaBrowser/MediaBrowser/ProgramData-Server/data/authentication.db
2015-04-17 19:37:46.9696 Info - SyncRepository: Sqlite opening /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/MediaBrowser/MediaBrowser/ProgramData-Server/data/sync14.db
2015-04-17 19:37:48.4936 Info - ImageMagick: ImageMagick version: ImageMagick 6.9.0-6 Q16 i686 2015-04-12 http://www.imagemagick.org
2015-04-17 19:37:48.7500 Info - App: FFMpeg: /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/MediaBrowser/MediaBrowser/ProgramData-Server/ffmpeg/20150331/ffmpeg
2015-04-17 19:37:48.7500 Info - App: FFProbe: /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/MediaBrowser/MediaBrowser/ProgramData-Server/ffmpeg/20150331/ffprobe
2015-04-17 19:37:48.8426 Info - ActivityRepository: Sqlite opening /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/MediaBrowser/MediaBrowser/ProgramData-Server/data/activitylog.db
2015-04-17 19:37:48.8971 Info - SqliteDisplayPreferencesRepository: Sqlite opening /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/MediaBrowser/MediaBrowser/ProgramData-Server/data/displaypreferences.db
2015-04-17 19:37:48.9178 Info - SqliteItemRepository: Sqlite opening /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/MediaBrowser/MediaBrowser/ProgramData-Server/data/library.db
2015-04-17 19:37:48.9856 Info - SqliteProviderInfoRepository: Sqlite opening /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/MediaBrowser/MediaBrowser/ProgramData-Server/data/refreshinfo.db
2015-04-17 19:37:49.0107 Info - SqliteUserDataRepository: Sqlite opening /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/MediaBrowser/MediaBrowser/ProgramData-Server/data/userdata_v2.db
2015-04-17 19:37:49.0316 Info - SqliteNotificationsRepository: Sqlite opening /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/MediaBrowser/MediaBrowser/ProgramData-Server/data/notifications.db
2015-04-17 19:37:49.6665 Info - HttpServer: Calling ServiceStack AppHost.Init
2015-04-17 19:37:56.7500 Info - ServiceStackHost: Initializing Application took 9669.317ms
2015-04-17 19:37:56.8168 Info - ServerManager: Loading Http Server
2015-04-17 19:37:56.8234 Info - HttpServer: Adding HttpListener prefix http://+:8096/
2015-04-17 19:37:56.8244 Info - HttpServer: Adding HttpListener prefix https://+:8920/
2015-04-17 19:37:56.8580 Info - HttpServer: attempting to load pfx: /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/MediaBrowser/MediaBrowser/ProgramData-Server/ssl/cert_9c31b7884ea5475c8687970fc5996297.pfx
2015-04-17 19:37:58.0709 Info - App: Core startup complete
2015-04-17 19:37:58.2056 Info - Dlna: SSDP service started
2015-04-17 19:37:58.2095 Debug - PortMapper: Starting NAT discovery
2015-04-17 19:37:58.2111 Debug - Dlna: Starting alive notifier
2015-04-17 19:37:58.2384 Debug - Dlna: Found interface: lo. Type: Loopback. Status: Unknown
2015-04-17 19:37:58.2400 Debug - Dlna: Found interface: eth0. Type: Ethernet. Status: Up
2015-04-17 19:37:58.2470 Debug - Dlna: Found interface: eth1. Type: Ethernet. Status: Down
2015-04-17 19:37:58.2476 Debug - Dlna: Found interface: bond0. Type: Ethernet. Status: Up
2015-04-17 19:37:58.2476 Debug - Dlna: Found interface: tun0. Type: 0. Status: Unknown
2015-04-17 19:37:58.3249 Debug - Dlna: Registered mount 287007ac-1d38-3346-d49a-a550a936be14 at
2015-04-17 19:37:58.3286 Debug - Dlna: Registered mount 63b0034a-ea29-30e8-c221-56b7bc0c03ca at
2015-04-17 19:37:59.0787 Info - App: HttpClientManager GET: http://emby.media/community/index.php?/blog/rss/1-media-browser-developers-blog
2015-04-17 19:37:59.5366 Info - App: HttpClientManager GET: http://www.mb3admin.com/admin/service/MB3ServerNotifications.json
2015-04-17 19:38:00.0584 Debug - HttpServer: HTTP GET
	Ip: Headers: User-Agent=Linux/2.6 UPnP/1.0 fbxlanbrowser/1.0,Host=
2015-04-17 19:38:00.7900 Debug - Dlna: No matching device profile found. The default will be used. User-agent: Linux/2.6 UPnP/1.0 fbxlanbrowser/1.0. 
2015-04-17 19:38:00.8480 Debug - HttpServer: HTTP Response 200 to Response time: 639.932 ms.
2015-04-17 19:38:01.0454 Debug - HttpServer: Exiting HttpConnection.OnReadInternal because nread=0. ConnectionId: 2c39697f68374a90b0c7f41856c2203f
2015-04-17 19:38:01.0849 Debug - PortMapper: NAT device found:
2015-04-17 19:38:01.5351 Debug - HttpServer: HTTP GET
	Ip: Headers: Accept=*/*,Host=,User-Agent=Mozilla/4.0 (Compatible, Aggregation, Twonky, 8.0.3, Linux 3.10.71; x86_64) DLNADOC/1.50,Connection=close
2015-04-17 19:38:01.6020 Debug - Dlna: No matching device profile found. The default will be used. User-agent: Mozilla/4.0 (Compatible, Aggregation, Twonky, 8.0.3, Linux 3.10.71; x86_64) DLNADOC/1.50. 
2015-04-17 19:38:01.6032 Debug - HttpServer: HTTP Response 200 to Response time: 67.966 ms.
2015-04-17 19:38:01.6071 Info - App: StartupTrigger fired for task: Refresh Guide
2015-04-17 19:38:01.6086 Info - App: Queueing task RefreshChannelsScheduledTask
2015-04-17 19:38:01.6122 Info - App: Executing Refresh Guide
2015-04-17 19:38:01.6511 Info - App: Refresh Guide Completed after 0 minute(s) and 0 seconds
2015-04-17 19:38:01.8426 Info - App: StartupTrigger fired for task: Check for plugin updates
2015-04-17 19:38:01.8426 Info - App: Queueing task PluginUpdateTask
2015-04-17 19:38:01.8426 Info - App: Executing Check for plugin updates
2015-04-17 19:38:01.8508 Info - App: HttpClientManager GET: http://www.mb3admin.com/admin/service/MB3Packages.json
2015-04-17 19:38:02.0349 Info - App: StartupTrigger fired for task: Scan media library
2015-04-17 19:38:02.0349 Info - App: Queueing task RefreshMediaLibraryTask
2015-04-17 19:38:02.0349 Info - App: Executing Scan media library
2015-04-17 19:38:02.0436 Info - App: Validating media library
2015-04-17 19:38:02.8111 Info - App: Scan media library Completed after 0 minute(s) and 0 seconds
2015-04-17 19:38:02.9698 Info - LibraryMonitor: Watching directory /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/htdocs
2015-04-17 19:38:02.9698 Info - LibraryMonitor: Watching directory /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/MediaBrowser/MediaBrowser/ProgramData-Server/data/playlists
2015-04-17 19:38:02.9698 Info - LibraryMonitor: Watching directory /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/MediaBrowser/MediaBrowser/ProgramData-Server/data/collections
2015-04-17 19:38:02.9698 Info - LibraryMonitor: Watching directory /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/MediaBrowser/MediaBrowser/ProgramData-Server/data/camerauploads
2015-04-17 19:38:02.9707 Info - LibraryMonitor: Watching directory /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/MediaBrowser/MediaBrowser/ProgramData-Server/root
2015-04-17 19:38:03.0353 Info - App: StartupTrigger fired for task: Check for application updates
2015-04-17 19:38:03.0353 Info - App: Queueing task SystemUpdateTask
2015-04-17 19:38:03.0353 Info - App: Executing Check for application updates
2015-04-17 19:38:03.0406 Info - App: HttpClientManager GET: http://www.mb3admin.com/admin/service/MB3Packages.json
2015-04-17 19:38:03.5374 Debug - HttpServer: HTTP GET
	Ip: Headers: User-Agent=Linux/2.6 UPnP/1.0 fbxlanbrowser/1.0,Host=
2015-04-17 19:38:03.6055 Debug - Dlna: No matching device profile found. The default will be used. User-agent: Linux/2.6 UPnP/1.0 fbxlanbrowser/1.0. 
2015-04-17 19:38:03.6063 Debug - HttpServer: HTTP Response 200 to Response time: 68.694 ms.
2015-04-17 19:38:04.0416 Info - App: HttpClientManager GET: http://bot.whatismyipaddress.com/
2015-04-17 19:38:04.5365 Debug - HttpServer: Exiting HttpConnection.OnReadInternal because nread=0. ConnectionId: e1623b4ec0294e048bc24d3bc50dc5bd
2015-04-17 19:38:04.5365 Debug - HttpServer: HTTP GET
	Ip: Headers: Accept=*/*,Host=,User-Agent=Mozilla/4.0 (Compatible, Aggregation, Twonky, 8.0.3, Linux 3.10.71; x86_64) DLNADOC/1.50,Connection=close
2015-04-17 19:38:04.5553 Debug - HttpServer: HTTP Response 200 to Response time: 17.958 ms.
2015-04-17 19:38:04.5559 Debug - HttpServer: HTTP GET
	Ip: Headers: User-Agent=Linux/2.6 UPnP/1.0 fbxlanbrowser/1.0,Host=
2015-04-17 19:38:04.6346 Debug - Dlna: No matching device profile found. The default will be used. User-agent: Linux/2.6 UPnP/1.0 fbxlanbrowser/1.0. 
2015-04-17 19:38:04.6346 Debug - HttpServer: HTTP Response 200 to Response time: 79.345 ms.
2015-04-17 19:38:04.6366 Debug - HttpServer: HTTP GET
	Ip: Headers: Accept=*/*,Host=,User-Agent=Mozilla/4.0 (Compatible, Aggregation, Twonky, 8.0.3, Linux 3.10.71; x86_64) DLNADOC/1.50,Connection=close
2015-04-17 19:38:04.6452 Debug - HttpServer: HTTP Response 200 to Response time: 8.438 ms.
2015-04-17 19:38:04.6452 Debug - HttpServer: Exiting HttpConnection.OnReadInternal because nread=0. ConnectionId: eafb1772abd84a35aa2c49de6721aca9
2015-04-17 19:38:04.7610 Debug - HttpServer: HTTP GET
	Ip: Headers: User-Agent=Linux/2.6 UPnP/1.0 fbxlanbrowser/1.0,Host=
2015-04-17 19:38:04.8085 Debug - Dlna: No matching device profile found. The default will be used. User-agent: Linux/2.6 UPnP/1.0 fbxlanbrowser/1.0. 
2015-04-17 19:38:04.8091 Debug - HttpServer: HTTP Response 200 to Response time: 48 ms.
2015-04-17 19:38:04.8165 Debug - HttpServer: HTTP POST
	Ip: Headers: Accept=*/*,User-Agent=Mozilla/4.0 (Compatible, Aggregation, Twonky, 8.0.3, Linux 3.10.71; x86_64) DLNADOC/1.50,Host=,SOAPACTION="urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:ContentDirectory:1#GetSystemUpdateID",Content-Type=text/xml; charset="utf-8",Content-Length=293
2015-04-17 19:38:04.8832 Debug - Dlna: No matching device profile found. The default will be used. User-agent: Mozilla/4.0 (Compatible, Aggregation, Twonky, 8.0.3, Linux 3.10.71; x86_64) DLNADOC/1.50. 
2015-04-17 19:38:04.8885 Debug - UpnpContentDirectory: Received control request GetSystemUpdateID
2015-04-17 19:38:04.9120 Debug - HttpServer: HTTP Response 200 to Response time: 95.041 ms.
2015-04-17 19:38:04.9120 Debug - HttpServer: Exiting HttpConnection.OnReadInternal because nread=0. ConnectionId: 748068b0c3e34325b5847c88bb2282c1
2015-04-17 19:38:04.9261 Debug - HttpServer: HTTP GET
	Ip: Headers: User-Agent=Linux/2.6 UPnP/1.0 fbxlanbrowser/1.0,Host=
2015-04-17 19:38:04.9669 Debug - Dlna: No matching device profile found. The default will be used. User-agent: Linux/2.6 UPnP/1.0 fbxlanbrowser/1.0. 
2015-04-17 19:38:04.9676 Debug - HttpServer: HTTP Response 200 to Response time: 40.989 ms.
2015-04-17 19:38:04.9676 Debug - HttpServer: Exiting HttpConnection.OnReadInternal because nread=0. ConnectionId: 57c76d4b31cf4fc5a64a0ca2c8be90ee
2015-04-17 19:38:05.5369 Debug - HttpServer: HTTP POST
	Ip: Headers: Accept=*/*,User-Agent=Mozilla/4.0 (Compatible, Aggregation, Twonky, 8.0.3, Linux 3.10.71; x86_64) DLNADOC/1.50,Host=,SOAPACTION="urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:ContentDirectory:1#GetSearchCapabilities",Content-Type=text/xml; charset="utf-8",Content-Length=301
2015-04-17 19:38:05.5767 Debug - Dlna: No matching device profile found. The default will be used. User-agent: Mozilla/4.0 (Compatible, Aggregation, Twonky, 8.0.3, Linux 3.10.71; x86_64) DLNADOC/1.50. 
2015-04-17 19:38:05.5767 Debug - UpnpContentDirectory: Received control request GetSearchCapabilities
2015-04-17 19:38:05.5780 Debug - HttpServer: HTTP Response 200 to Response time: 41.005 ms.
2015-04-17 19:38:05.5780 Debug - HttpServer: Exiting HttpConnection.OnReadInternal because nread=0. ConnectionId: b74145cb2db44c589dca6db90ba30587
2015-04-17 19:38:05.6116 Debug - HttpServer: HTTP GET
	Ip: Headers: User-Agent=Linux/2.6 UPnP/1.0 fbxlanbrowser/1.0,Host=
2015-04-17 19:38:05.6577 Debug - Dlna: No matching device profile found. The default will be used. User-agent: Linux/2.6 UPnP/1.0 fbxlanbrowser/1.0. 
2015-04-17 19:38:05.6577 Debug - HttpServer: HTTP Response 200 to Response time: 46.63 ms.
2015-04-17 19:38:05.6577 Debug - HttpServer: Exiting HttpConnection.OnReadInternal because nread=0. ConnectionId: 880cfc59503b4ff1a1534f1967be1582
2015-04-17 19:38:05.6590 Debug - HttpServer: HTTP POST
	Ip: Headers: Accept=*/*,User-Agent=Mozilla/4.0 (Compatible, Aggregation, Twonky, 8.0.3, Linux 3.10.71; x86_64) DLNADOC/1.50,Host=,SOAPACTION="urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:ContentDirectory:1#GetSortCapabilities",Content-Type=text/xml; charset="utf-8",Content-Length=297
2015-04-17 19:38:05.6978 Debug - Dlna: No matching device profile found. The default will be used. User-agent: Mozilla/4.0 (Compatible, Aggregation, Twonky, 8.0.3, Linux 3.10.71; x86_64) DLNADOC/1.50. 
2015-04-17 19:38:05.6978 Debug - UpnpContentDirectory: Received control request GetSortCapabilities
2015-04-17 19:38:05.6990 Debug - HttpServer: HTTP Response 200 to Response time: 39.403 ms.
2015-04-17 19:38:05.6990 Debug - HttpServer: Exiting HttpConnection.OnReadInternal because nread=0. ConnectionId: 42f87d73c86244619426a1900dda0700
2015-04-17 19:38:05.6997 Debug - HttpServer: HTTP GET
	Ip: Headers: User-Agent=Linux/2.6 UPnP/1.0 fbxlanbrowser/1.0,Host=
2015-04-17 19:38:05.7387 Debug - Dlna: No matching device profile found. The default will be used. User-agent: Linux/2.6 UPnP/1.0 fbxlanbrowser/1.0. 
2015-04-17 19:38:05.7387 Debug - HttpServer: HTTP Response 200 to Response time: 39.607 ms.
2015-04-17 19:38:05.7401 Debug - HttpServer: Exiting HttpConnection.OnReadInternal because nread=0. ConnectionId: 4460139c065b4c129c2be714294d40cf
2015-04-17 19:38:05.7408 Debug - HttpServer: Exiting HttpConnection.OnReadInternal because nread=0. ConnectionId: 5355d848afdb4defa5deaeda096c219c
2015-04-17 19:38:05.7497 Debug - HttpServer: HTTP SUBSCRIBE

2015-04-17 19:37:48.4936 Info - ImageMagick: ImageMagick version: ImageMagick 6.9.0-6 Q16 i686 2015-04-12 http://www.imagemagick.org

Stay tuned for the Next Update !!! :P
Updated to last Beta 3.0.5582.4
fixed config to use Q16 Imagick version
require Qmono

may require a uninstall of the previous version and a NAS reboot. seems have difficulties to close port when app is uninstalled


Wait for your feedback,
Great. Good job buddy. It works now. My only worry is update. I don't want to loose my previous settings during updates.

Do you plan on creating a qpkg for each Emby updates? Would you consider creating a beta package?
thanks for the feedback, update shouldnt scratch your DB. and is pretty easy to do
just a config file to modify to accept imagemagick Q16 instead of Q8, (unless Emby staff come to use this version)

just ping me when a new version is available (because I dont use this application and cant check everyday) and will bring it to the community

I will post it today on Qnap Forum

Hi stumpled upon this qpkg from a link on the official QNAP forum, but can't quite translate from French.
Could you please clarify for me if this can be used with a QNAP TS-870 Pro?
Strunov a dit:
Hi stumpled upon this qpkg from a link on the official QNAP forum, but can't quite translate from French.
Could you please clarify for me if this can be used with a QNAP TS-870 Pro?

yes working on TS-870-PRO ( fw 4.1.3), you need as prior install Qmono package ;)
Gotcha. Well there is a newer one :)

I am having an issue. I don't know if the problem is emby related or the qpkg but I could never scan my library pass 70% without Emby become unresponsive.

I installed on my qnap ts-453 pro

But I'm getting really poor performance even without any libraries added. Changing between pages on the web ui takes 6+ seconds. As soon as I add the first library and the scan finishes, the app became unusable.

Seems like the issue is imagemagick q16. Is there a way to install q8?
thanks for the feedback,

i searched for Q8 sources, buti didnt find it, only Q16 are available :(

hope Emby staff will update, remember this version is a Beta i saw another beta is out since today
QoolBox a dit:
thanks for the feedback,

i searched for Q8 sources, buti didnt find it, only Q16 are available :(

hope Emby staff will update, remember this version is a Beta i saw another beta is out since today

Did you compiled imagemagick from the sources? If so you can compile Q8 using ./configure --with-quantum-depth=8