QNAP [Wing FTP Server] [ ] FTP, HTTP, FTPS, HTTPS, SFTP Server (TRIAL)

Wing FTP Server v6.5.7 Released: 18/Jun/2021
Added a Firefox extension "Wing Download Manager", for downloading multiple files/folders in the web client: https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addo ... d-manager/
Improvement - For the time parameter of the FTP command "MFMT/MFCT/MFF", now it will be as a UTC time.
Improvement - Added a download button under the image viewer interface in the web client.
Wing FTP Server v6.5.8Released: 14/Jul/2021
Improvement - The online editor in the web client now supports syntax highlight for C/C++, XML/HTML, Java, PHP, Javascript, Python, Perl, Ruby, Golang.
Fixed a bug - The online editor in the web client won't prompt on close when file content is modified.
Fixed a bug - When turn on the domain option "Redirect HTTP to HTTPS automatically", the weblink of a folder can't redirect correctly.
Fixed a bug - When enable the option "Using Windows NTFS permissions for the home directory" for Windows/AD authentication, the mapped local user's folder permissions will be ignored.
Wing FTP Server v6.5.9

Released: 11/Aug/2021
Fixed a bug - Can not get the server variable "%PathName" and "%FileName" in the SSH event "BeforeFileUploaded".
Improvement - Linux/Unix sftp might return an error "Received message too long" when the remote folder includes 900+ files and each file has a long filename.
Improvement - Added a system option "Restrict a user session to a single IP address". When the client IP changes frequently, you may consider to disable it.
Improvement - When the server time is incorrect, the HTTP(S) login page might be refreshed always.
Improvement - Updated Bootstrap and jQuery libraries into the latest version.
Wing FTP Server v6.6.1 Released: 31/Aug/2021
Added a feature - Now support two-factor authentication (TOTP) for the web client.
Improvement - When login the SFTP server with the recent version of Filezilla (or putty), can't show the file listing if the remote folder includes thousands of files.
Improvement - For Web Client Zip/Unzip function, now use UTF-8 encoding for the internal filenames, to solve the garbled filenames issue for some file archiver.
Improvement - The weblink download will be considered as a web session, then total session number can be limited under domain settings.
Fixed a bug - When upload a banned file in the web client, the progress bar will always be displayed (won't disappear).
Improvement - Updated libssh to the latest version.
Wing FTP Server v6.6.2 Released: 14/Sep/2021
Improvement - Updated OpenSSL and fixed a few OpenSSL vulnerabilities like CVE-2020-1971, CVE-2021-3712.
Fixed a bug - When downloading a file in the web client, it will always finish downloading even exceeding disk quota or transfer limitation.
Fixed a bug - The console application (wftpconsole) can't work correctly, this bug was introduced in v6.5.6.
Fixed a bug - When uploading an entire folder in the web client, it will always show OK even have no "Create Folder" permission.
Improvement - When uploading files in the web client, now it will popup an error message if exceeding disk quota or transfer limitation.
Wing FTP Server v6.6.3 Released: 11/Oct/2021
Improvement - Add a domain option "TLS session timeout" for TLS session resumption.
Fixed a bug - Fixed a potential XSS vulnerability in the web client.
Improvement - Sort up/Sort down icon will disappear when refreshing or changing the directory.
Improvement - Updated the Help Document for the web client.
Wing FTP Server v7.0.4 Released: 9/Mar/2022
Improvement - AD/LDAP user now can use two-factor authentication via the mapped local user.
Improvement - Now you can download files/folders via the browser extension "Wing Download Manager" in InPrivate mode (Incognito mode).
Fixed a bug - Cannot see the audit report records when domain name includes upper-case letters.
Improvement - AD/LDAP user will use the domain settings "idle connection timeout" and "transfer connection timeout".
Improvement - Disabled weak SSL/SSH ciphers (or algorithms) by the default settings.

Wing FTP Server v7.0.3 Released: 23/Feb/2022
Improvement - With many FTP concurrent sessions, the variable "%FileSize" might not be replaced in the FTP event "OnFileUploaded".
Improvement - The default domain setting "idle connection timeout" and "transfer connection timeout" is changed to "5min", and the same setting for a new user will inherit the domain setting.
Fixed a bug - User can't login to the web client if user password includes "%20".
Fixed a bug - Admin can't login to the web administration if admin password includes "%20".
Improvement - The read-only admin can't test "ODBC/Mysql/LDAP/SMTP" connection now.

Wing FTP Server v7.0.2 Released: 24/Jan/2022
Improvement - Improved the FTP client compatibility, the old versions can't handle multiple FTP commands in one packet.
Improvement - Added two Lua APIs "c_MoveFileDir" and "c_CopyFileDir", for moving/copying a file or folder.
Improvement - Improved the web client UI for the desktop version.
Improvement - Improved the web client UI for the mobile version.
Fixed a bug - Can't show the web client menu "More Actions" correctly with some mobile device.

Wing FTP Server v7.0.1 Released: 14/Dec/2021
Improvement - Added 64-bit Windows build.
Improvement - Designed a new user interface for Web Client.
Improvement - Improved the interface of Web Administration.
Improvement - No longer support 32-bit Windows and 32-bit Linux.
Improvement - Improved the Help Manual for Web Client.
Improvement - Updated libssh to the latest version.
Fixed a few bugs about HTTP connection and GUI.
  • J'aime
Réactions: EVO
Wing FTP Server v7.0.6 Released: 13/Apr/2022
Fixed a bug - After re-installing Wing FTP Server, the customized logo will be reset.
Improvement - SFTP download might be failed with Cyberduck, due to its segmented downloads option.
Improvement - Failed to download big files via FTP protocol with Cyberduck, caused by its segmented downloads.
Improvement - When using ODBC/Mysql database, the user listing will show the expiration date even account doesn't expire.

Wing FTP Server v7.0.5 Released: 31/Mar/2022
Improvement - Updated the OpenSSL lib for fixing CVE-2022-0778.
Improvement - Now the web client will prevent recursive copy files/folders.
Improvement - Audit report records added new actions "Change Password" and "Copy Files".
Improvement - Now separated the admin logs for adding user/group and modifying user/group.
Merci pour votre travail! J'utilise Wing-FTP depuis des années sur QNAP.
J'ai pris un abonnement sur le site Qnapclub pour telecharger les packages.
Continuez vous d'alimenter Qnapclub dans le futur?
Dans le cas contraire, avez-vous un Repository ou autre, où je peux m'abonner pour les dernière versions?
Le français n'est pas ma première langue, je suis plutôt les sites anglophones.

Merci par avance et bonne journée.
Wing FTP Server v7.0.8 Released: 10/May/2022
Fixed a bug - The weblink's expiration date will change when the client is in a different time zone than the server.
Fixed a bug - If user already logged in web client, WebLink/UploadLink can't be opened from an external website.
Improvement - Added a Weblink Copy function under admin's WebLink Manager.
Improvement - Reverted the function "Go to directory" in web client.
Improvement - Now supported variables "%MM", "%DD" and "%HH" for server log's filename.
  • Wow
Réactions: CHAP
Je tiens à vous remercier pour vos portages logiciels.
Depuis quelques jours votre lien 1fichier ne fonctionne plus. En avez-vous un autre ?

Wing FTP Server v7.0.9Released: 24/May/2022​

  • Added a feature - Added password salting in the domain settings, it is used to protect the user password.
  • Fixed a bug - The WingFTP service may crash due to "Transport endpoint is not connected" exception.
  • Fixed a bug - When overwriting a 0-byte file via FTP upload, but the file modification date will keep the same as the first one.
  • Improvement - Improved the URL address generated by Weblink Copy function.
J'ai install la version 7.0.9 récup sur https://www.qnapclub.eu/fr/qpkg/284 mais après avoir créé les utilisateurs dans le logiciel WingFTP, quand je cherche à me connecter avec l'un des comptes cela me dit Access denied. J'utilise FileZilla avec Protocole SFTP et pourtant si je test avec mon compte admin de mon NAS cela fonctionne. Donc je pense que les comptes utilisateurs sur le NAS fonctionne mais pas ceux fait dans WingFTP. Y-a-t-il une chose particulière à faire ? Merci pour votre aide.
J'ai install la version 7.0.9 récup sur https://www.qnapclub.eu/fr/qpkg/284 mais après avoir créé les utilisateurs dans le logiciel WingFTP, quand je cherche à me connecter avec l'un des comptes cela me dit Access denied. J'utilise FileZilla avec Protocole SFTP et pourtant si je test avec mon compte admin de mon NAS cela fonctionne. Donc je pense que les comptes utilisateurs sur le NAS fonctionne mais pas ceux fait dans WingFTP. Y-a-t-il une chose particulière à faire ? Merci pour votre aide.
Problème résolu. C'était une configuration dans mes ports et box internet ainsi que routeur netgear.
j'ai un autre problème les fichiers upload par un des comptes de wingftp n'est pas supprimable par le compte admin en direct dans le NAS via "File Station".
Avez-vous une solution ?

Wing FTP Server v7.1.0Released: 10/Jun/2022​

  • Improvement - Added a Copy function under admin's Audit & Report.
  • Improvement - The admin password specified in installation wizard will be hashed by salted SHA-256.
  • Fixed a bug - The case-insensitive username in Windows may cause weblink generating issues.
  • Fixed a bug - The installation wizard will generate unwanted xml-e files in Mac OS.
  • Fixed a bug - The field "Expired" in WebLink Manager may show incorrect information.
j'ai un autre problème les fichiers upload par un des comptes de wingftp n'est pas supprimable par le compte admin en direct dans le NAS via "File Station".
Avez-vous une solution ?

la je ne vois pas... si tu es vraiment en admin ca ne devrait poser de soucis (Sauf un partage WORM si tu es en QTS Hero)
Je suis en QTS
alors pour les droits, je suis avec mon second compte qui a aussi les droits admin mais avec finalement je ne peux pas faire mes modifications sur les fichiers. Contrairement au compte "admin" lui même.
La je ne comprend pas pourquoi j'ai le problème sans doute que je ne suis pas superadmin mais alors comment faire.