Qnap [ TransmissionBT4 ] [ 4.0.2 ] Famous bitorrent client Version 4


Représentant QNAP
2 Janvier 2014
10 562

Source : https://github.com/transmission/transmission/

Download : arm64, x86_64, armv7

Transmission is a BitTorrent client which features a variety of user interfaces on top of a cross-platform back-end. Transmission is free software licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License, with parts under the MIT License.

credentiail : qnap / qnap

listen on 9092 by default
config file : /opt/Transmission4/etc
is there a recipe to get it to work?
I have tried a whole bunch of ports, but no matter what ports I try it says closed.
All the ports I have tried I have port forwarding in my router.

I have a Qnap TS-853A QTS 5.0.12277 running 2.94.0 with no problems at all for years.
Just bought a TVS-1282T3 running QTS 5.0.12277 which is going to replace the other one.
But I can´t find Transmission 2.94.0 anywhere, and all other versions I have tried I can´t get the ports open.
Tried this version and others on both Qnaps with the same outcome.
Anyone facing the same problem?
Is there someone who could tell me how to get this working?

On TS-251+: When Transmission 4 is running, the Disk Health rapid tests are stuck at 90%.
When Transmission 4 is stopped, the tests complete.
This did not happen with Transmission 3, as far as I can remember.
Can anyone reproduce this ?