QNAP [ Qmono ] [ ] Mono Framework

Excellent! merci pour toutes ces explications. J'attends le nouveau firmware de pied ferme alors, j'ai tout migré et (ouf!) pas cassé grand chose.

je suis un petit nouveau sur Qnap car je viens de m'acheter un TS-228.
Je viens d'essayer d'installer Emby et la erreur "Emby installation failed. The following QPKG must be installed and enabled: Qmono >="

Donc existe t'il une version de Qmono installable sur mon TS-228 ?
Si non existera t'elle un jour ?

Merci d'avance pour votre aide.
Je viens de tester.

L'installation s'est bien passé.
J'ai pu installer Emby et j'ai même commencé à le configurer donc ça semble fonctionner mais pas le temps de finir ce soir donc j'arrête là.

En tout cas génial et surtout grand merci.
I installed without any issues on my Qnap. The only problem now is, Sonarr gives me the following error when searching for episodes

Error occurred while executing task EpisodeSearch: SQL logic error or missing database
no such column: t0.IndexerId

Any ideas how I set this right ?
Je rencontre des erreurs (https) avec les applications jackett, CouchPotato, SickRage et Radarr. L'erreur viendrais de mono, la mise à jour de mono corrigerai l'erreur (mise a jour du package ca-certificates-mono).

Est-il possible d'avoir une nouvelle version de Qmono en V5.4.1.6 ?
je n'ai pas encore fait l'update

Emby me confirme des plantage avec la dernière version du Mono..

le autres conseille également de rester en 4.8.1...

donc pas mal d'hésitation avant de faire une mise à jour, qui peut faire crasher les configs users
@QoolBox This is kaso17 from the jacket developer team. We've plenty of people who have TLS related problems on their QNAP device because their mono certificate-store is empty causing HTTPS connections to fail.

See e.g. this forum thread:
That post includes the steps to fix the problem (manual import the certificates via the mono cert-sync tool) but apparently it doesn't survive reboots (mono certificate store is not stored on persistent memory?).
It would be great if you could have a look at this.
kaso17 a dit:
@QoolBox This is kaso17 from the jacket developer team. We've plenty of people who have TLS related problems on their QNAP device because their mono certificate-store is empty causing HTTPS connections to fail.

See e.g. this forum thread:
That post includes the steps to fix the problem (manual import the certificates via the mono cert-sync tool) but apparently it doesn't survive reboots (mono certificate store is not stored on persistent memory?).
It would be great if you could have a look at this.

Hi kaso17.. thanks for the ping.. i built the update with the workaround
Thank you,

where can we find the new build?
On https://qnapclub.eu/index.php?act=detail&qpkg_id=193 I noticed a new version but only for one platform.
Where can we find qmono packages for platforms with atom, etc. CPU?
just built a release for ARMv5 at this time i am working on others..

I dont think build x86 (32bit) 4.2.x version... because i dont have test machine here
@QoolBox could you build the x86 32 bit version too and provide an inofficial download link so some users can test it before it's published?
Hi, in general the mono packages seem to work fine but it looks like some really ancient tool chains are used.
With gcc versions below 4.8 (which seems to be the case at least for the ARM platform) mono doesn't include BTLS due to lack of C11 compile support (one of the major new features).
I've written this small patch which adds support for BTLS with gcc < 4.8:
Could you please apply it and rebuild the packages?
You've to explicitly enable BTLS during configuration via the --enable-btls switch.