Qnap [ Plex Meta Manager ] [ 1.18.3 ] script to update metadata information for items in plex as well as automatically build collections and playlists


Représentant QNAP
2 Janvier 2014
10 559

Source : https://github.com/meisnate12/Plex-Meta-Manager

download :

Apache80 : https://www.myqnap.org/product/plex-meta-manager-apache80/
Apache81 : https://www.myqnap.org/product/plex-meta-manager-apache81/
Apache82 : https://www.myqnap.org/product/plex-meta-manager-apache82/

Note :

edit first your plex and tmbd information into config.yml (/opt/PMM8x/pmm/config)

About :

Plex Meta Manager is an open source Python 3 project that has been designed to ease the creation and maintenance of metadata, collections, and playlists within a Plex Media Server. The script is designed to be run continuously and be able to update information based on sources outside your plex environment. Plex Meta Manager supports Movie/TV/Music libraries and Playlists.
Bonjour @QoolBox

J'ai installé cette application sans problème.
Toutefois quand je lance l'exécution à la main avec la commande
python plex_meta_manager.py – r

J'ai ce retour d'erreur dans le terminal !
File "plex_meta_manager.py", line 98
    run_arg = " ".join([f'"{s}"' if " " in s else s for s in sys.argv[:]])
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

En faisant des recherches, on me parle de dépendances Python obsolètes (source : https://github.com/meisnate12/Plex-Meta-Manager/issues/1211)
Du coup, n'étant pas expert et avant de tout casser, j me demande si les actions sont à mener dans ton package ou sur mon NAS ?
De mon coté, toutes mes applications sont à jour ;)

Par avance merci pour ton aide.

Note :

edit first your plex and tmbd information into config.yml (/opt/PMM8x/pmm/config)
I am unable to find a folder called 'opt' on my QNAP NAS after having installed the Apache 82 version of Plex Meta Manager.

I've searched for PMM82 also, and cannot find it.

Any help would be appreciated.

I am unable to find a folder called 'opt' on my QNAP NAS after having installed the Apache 82 version of Plex Meta Manager.

I've searched for PMM82 also, and cannot find it.

After starting Plex Meta Manager, and using your Midnight Commander app, I was able to navigate to, and see the PMM82 file appear as well as the pmm and config folders, and I found the config.yml file there. I've modified the file with settings that reflect my system.

Now that this file has been saved, and the PMM is running, how do I verify it's running properly?

When I stop the PMM app, do all of the folders that appeared, disappear, deleting the config.yml along with it?