QNAP [ NetData ] [ 1.20.0 ] Real-time performance monitoring, done right


Même en essayant le téléchargement manuel depuis le site, le lien initial reste le même (https://qnapclub.eu/en/qpkg/model/download/462108/NetData_1.9.0_x86_64.qpkg) et j'aboutis à l'URL https://cdn.qnapclub.eu/qpkg_artifacts/NetData_1.9.0_x86_64/NetData_1.9.0_x86_64.qpkg, qui ne pointe sur rien.
J'arrive à télécharger la version précédente cela dit.

QoolBox a dit:


i get following error after update

Access to file is not permitted: /opt/NetData/share/netdata/web//index.html
there seems to be a "/" too much

best regards
QoolBox a dit:
shouldnt be the problem

it runs fine on my TBS-453-DX with a clean install

I did a clean reinstall and still doesn't work (TS-680 pro). On my small 2Bay QNAP it runs as well...

I will look at it a little closer in the comign days.

Best regards
below the reason and solution for the problem described before by me from the qnap forum.
You have to edit the netdata.conf via ssh with the following code.

Best regards

LennyM a dit:
robtihanyi a dit:
FYI, this build for 1.13 contains an empty netdata.conf file, meaning it will error with insufficient permissions, on trying to load the webpage at port 9119.

This file can be found at /opt/NetData/etc/netdata/netdata.conf

The file needs to have the following contents for the build to work:

# NetData Configuration

# The current full configuration can be retrieved from the running
# server at the URL
#   http://localhost:19999/netdata.conf
# for example:
#   wget -O /etc/netdata/netdata.conf http://localhost:19999/netdata.conf

	run as user = netdata
	web files owner = root
	web files group = netdata

finally I got it working again.

Best regards