je vous fais tout de même l'update en 10.6.0 .. au regard de la release note , il y a quelques soucis effectivement qui seront corrigé en 10.6.1
si vous faite la MaJ pas de downgrade possible suite à la migration de la BDD
si vous faite la MaJ pas de downgrade possible suite à la migration de la BDD
[ALL] Memory usage may be higher in 10.6.0 compared to previous versions. We have had several, but not many, reports of high memory usage in unstable 10.6.0 builds, most often caused by frequent library scanning. The current consensus is that this is due to the garbage collection in C# not being agressive enough. There are future plans to investigate and address this further in a general way, but the situation right now does not seem serious enough to block a stable release. If it does become evident that this is a major issue, a fix will be prioritized for a 10.6.1 release.
[ALL] This release introduces the first of several major database schema changes as we move to EF Core, specifically to the User and Activity databases. UPON UPGRADING YOUR INSTANCE TO 10.6.0, YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO DOWNGRADE TO 10.5.5 OR EARLIER WITHOUT RENAMING AND EDITING MUTIPLE FILES IN MUTIPLE PLACES. Make a backup of your instance before upgrading so downgrades can be a smooth and simple process.
[ALL] This release features a simultaneous release of jellyfin-ffmpeg v4.3.1. You should upgrade both at the same time for maximum compatibility, performance, and stabiity. However...