Qnap [GitHub CLI ] [ ] gh is GitHub on the command line.


Représentant QNAP
2 Janvier 2014
10 559


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It brings pull requests, issues, and other GitHub concepts to the terminal next to where you are already working with git and your code.

Dernière édition:
QoolBox a dit:
de quel publicité on parle là ?

ce sont des applications tierces ... je vais pas m'arrêter je vous rassure :lol:
Vos messages ressemblent à du spam. Intrinsèquement ils n'apportent strictement rien. C'est une publicité indirecte pour votre marque

J'ai déposé une réclamation auprès de la modération car vous avez visiblement du mal à comprendre que vous polluer ce Forum
rien ne t'oblige à t'abonner à mes post...

je suis développeur et je présente pour les utilisateurs Qnap mes applications et je notifie les mise à jours...

si cela n'a pas d'utilité pour toi, cela en a pour les autres..; je doute que te demande soit prise en compte :twisted:
GitHub CLI 1.10.0

Improvements to JSON exporting
Add gh repo list/view --json support #3627

Screen Shot 2021-05-18 at 20 26 38
Add gh release view --json support #3656

Fixes numerous issues with gh pr list/view --json support #3547

fetching closed field
fetching date fields like createdAt or mergedAt
fetching files field
Fix exporting milestone field for issues and PRs #3529

Add commits field to JSON export for PRs #3547

Show more than 100 comments in gh issue view --json comments #3547

Add shell completion for valid --json flag values #3628

New Features
Add gh repo fork --org option #3611

Allow passinggh alias set value via standard input #3490

Prompt for value in gh secret set #3499

Update gh api placeholder syntax to {owner}, {repo} to match GitHub API documentation #3536

Extend our package repository to support Ubuntu Hirsute and Kali linux #3398

Speedup across most gh pr commands #3547

Fix gh pr operations from GitHub Actions when a PR was added as a card to an org project #3547

Allow deleting local git branch in gh pr close #3547

Fix showing more than 100 checks in gh pr checks #3547

Fix viewing and editing draft releases with GitHub Actions token #3656

Fix Windows path in gh auth status output #3491

Ignore HTTP 404 error for annotations in gh run watch #3517

Handle Incorrect function exception for MinTTY users (typically in Git Bash) by suggesting switching to Windows Terminal #3537

Query fewer fields to determine issue status #3525

Warn about empty contents on gh gist create #3578

Fix "null" display in colored JSON output #3626

Fix some docs formatting for the web #3648
GitHub CLI 1.10.3

Fix gh pr merge with GitHub Enterprise Server < 3.0 #3688

Speed up measuring display width of text #3668

Simplify Debian/Ubuntu installation docs #3672

GitHub CLI 2.14.0​

What's New​

What's Changed​

  • pr status: Fix detecting PR for curent branch by @mislav in #5915
  • pr checks: Avoid deduplicating same-named checks under different workflows by @mislav in #5919
  • pr close: Improve error messaging when missing args by @ffalor in #5885
  • repo fork: Directly fork under the desired name by @mislav in #5916
  • run download: Allow retrieving more than 100 artifacts by @faubion-hbo in #5799
  • cs ssh: Don't generate SSH key pair if set already exists by @cmbrose in #5859
  • cs create: Fix case where codespace created while in provisioning state causes panic by @markphelps in #5873