J’avais compris c’est pour ça que j’indiquais qu’il y avait la version 1.6.2-0720 de Synology Photos pour DSM 7.2.1 qui corrige cette faille, sans passer à DSM 7.2.2 (avec Synology Photos 1.7.0-0795) ou désinstaller Vidéo Station.mais si je l'installe, je devrai d'abord retirer Video Station, ce que je ne refuse, pour d'abord faire la mise à jour vers le 7.2.2, pour pouvoir bénéficier de la MAJ de Synology Photos.
Si elle n’est pas proposée on peut l’installer manuellement (pour le ds923+ il faut prendre la version x86_64)
Astuce pour décrypter les "Releases Notes"
Comme 1.6.x c'est inférieur à 1.7.x, ça signifie que les modifications introduites dans la branche 1.7 ne concerne que les versions suivantes de 1.7.x, 1.8, 2.0...
Mais ne concerne pas les versions 1.6.x, même si elles sortent après la version 1.7. Si c'était le cas ça serait clairement mentionné dans la "Release Notes" ce qui n'est pas le cas ici.

Release Notes for Synology Photos | Synology Inc.
Release Notes for Synology Photos | Synology Inc.

Puis:Version: 1.6.0-0629
Compatibility & Installation
Synology Photos 1.6.0 requires DSM 7.2 and above.
What's New
Enhanced the display of Photos, Albums, and Sharing tabs on the web portal.
Supports hiding subject categories in the Subjects albums.
Supports switching display themes: light mode, dark mode, auto-switching.
Supports converting photos to JPEG on download.
Enhanced the user experience of sharing in albums.
Bug fixed
Fixed an issue where printing a photo in lightbox mode from a browser might crop the photo.
Fixed an issue where reassigning faces to other names might not perform properly.
Fixed an issue where using Chrome or Safari on an iOS mobile device and switching to desktop mode to open Synology Photos might not display correctly.
Minor bug fixes.
Puis:Version: 1.6.1-0641
Compatibility & Installation
Synology Photos 1.6.1 requires DSM 7.2 and above.
Bug fixed
Fixed an issue where the album list might not be scrolled down properly.
Fixed an issue where indexing identified faces might take a longer time to open Synology Photos after the update.
Fixed an issue where albums shared by others might not be downloaded or the photos in these albums might not be zoomed in or out properly.
Fixed an issue where videos might not be played in the album shared by others while using the mobile app.
Puis:Version: 1.6.2-0710
Compatibility & Installation
Synology Photos 1.6.2 requires DSM 7.2 and above.
Bug fixed
Fixed an issue where data correction for face and object recognition might interrupt HDD hibernation.
Fixed an issue where deleting a large number of photos in File Station might occupy system resources and postpone other tasks.
Enhanced the user interface of the menu to accommodate the dimensions of a web browser.
Fixed an issue where re-indexing Motion Photo might not be able to generate metadata successfully.
Minor bug fixes.
Puis d'autres éventuelles mises à jour de la version 1.6.xVersion: 1.6.2-0720
Important Note
This version is an important security update and will be automatically installed if Auto-update for important versions is enabled for packages in Package Center.
Fixed Issues
Fixed a security vulnerability (Synology-SA-24:19 Synology Photos).
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