Asustor Bug telechargements uploadhero dans PYLOAD

antoine_la a dit:
Bonjour , j'ai eu une réponse pour pyload.

Je ne suis pas sur de comprendre, je dois modifier le log?

Voici le lien donné:

fais suivre cela au mainteneur de l'application Clinton Hall ;)
Clinton Hall m'a demandé cela:

Thanks for posting this update. can you confirm that this is working for you after update (disable and enable in App Center)?

j'ai donc tenté de modifié le log etc....Voici ce que j'ai tranmis à Clinton hall:
Good Evening,

so I am not at all in programming. I have no knowledge.


However I tried to change the file with the Fugu program for mac to read the files.

For this I am going to the subdirectories of pyLoad:

. @ Plugins / Appcentral / pyLoad / pyLoad / Module / plugins / accounts /

At first I just did a copy / paste of the site lines of code:

I could not access the pyLoad configuration, several errors appeared.

I then change the 0.18 version 0.21 and 0.22 but when I get the premium account I get an error with the following log:

1 22/03/2015 7:24:01 p.m. INFO Starting pyLoad 0.4.9
2 22/03/2015 7:24:01 p.m. INFO Using home directory: /volume1/.@plugins/AppCentral/pyload/config
3 22/03/2015 7:24:02 p.m. INFO Activated plugins: ClickAndLoad, ExternalScripts, ExtractArchive, UnSkipOnFail, UpdateManager, XFileSharingPro
4 22/03/2015 7:24:02 p.m. INFO Deactivate plugins: AlldebridCom, AndroidPhoneNotify, AntiVirus, BypassCaptcha, Captcha9Kw, CaptchaBrotherhood, checksum, DeathByCaptcha, DebridItaliaCom, DeleteFinished, DownloadScheduler, EasybytezCom, ExpertDecoders, FastixRu, FreeWayMe, HotFolder, IRCInterface, ImageTyperz, JustPremium , LinkdecrypterCom, LinksnappyCom, MegaDebridEu, MergeFiles, Multihome, MultihostersCom, MultishareCz, MyfastfileCom, NoPremiumPl, OverLoadMe, PremiumTo, PremiumizeMe, PutdriveCom, RPNetBiz, RapideoPl, RealdebridCom, RehostTo, RestartFailed, RestartSlow, SimplyPremiumCom, SimplydebridCom, SkipRev, SmoozedCom, UnrestrictLi, WindowsPhoneNotify , XMPPInterface, ZeveraCom
3/22/2015 7:24:02 p.m. Downloadtime 5 INFO: True
6 22/03/2015 7:24:02 p.m. Starting ThriftBackend INFO:
3/22/2015 7:24:02 p.m. 7 INFO Free space: 2.68 TiB
8 22/03/2015 7:24:02 p.m. INFO Activating Accounts ...
9 22/03/2015 7:24:02 p.m. INFO Activating Plugins ...
10 03/22/2015 7:24:02 p.m. XFileSharingPro INFO: Handling Any hoster I can!
11 03/22/2015 7:24:02 p.m. XFileSharingPro INFO: Handling Any encrypt I can!
12 03/22/2015 7:24:02 p.m. INFO Starting threaded webserver:
13 03/22/2015 7:24:03 p.m. ExtractArchive INFO: Activated UnRar 4.20 | 9.20 SevenZip | UnZip (Python 2.7.3)
14 03/22/2015 7:24:03 p.m. INFO pyLoad is up and running
15 03/22/2015 7:24:05 p.m. UpdateManager INFO: No new version available pyLoad
16 03/22/2015 7:24:05 p.m. UpdateManager INFO: No plugin updates available
17 03/22/2015 7:24:05 p.m. UpdateManager INFO: No new version available pyLoad
18 03/22/2015 7:24:05 p.m. UpdateManager INFO: No updates available plugin
19 03/22/2015 7:24:12 p.m. ClickAndLoad INFO: Proxy listening on
20 03/22/2015 9:12:38 p.m. ERROR Error importing UploadheroCom: invalid syntax (, line 16)

It's complicated for me, can you look?


I forget disable and enable in App Center.

The files currently loaded. I wait for the night.

So I have the plugin uploadhero this code:

# - * - Coding: utf-8 - * -
# Test links:
# Http://

import re

urlparse import from urljoin

from module.plugins.internal.SimpleHoster import SimpleHoster, create_getInfo

UploadheroCom class (SimpleHoster)
__name__ = "UploadheroCom"
__type__ = "hoster"
__version__ = "0.18"

__pattern__ = r'http: // (: www \.) uploadhero \ .co / dl / \ w + '? Red, I changed the line because he was registered instead of .com .co
__description__ = "" " plugin" ""
__license__ = "GPLv3"
__authors__ = [("mcmyst" ""),
("Zoidberg", "")]

NAME_PATTERN = r '<div class = "filename"> (? P <N>. +?) <'
SIZE_PATTERN = r '> Filesize: (? P <S> [. \ D,] +) </ span> <strong> (? P <U> [\ w ^ _] +)'
OFFLINE_PATTERN = r '<p class = "titre_dl_2">'

COOKIES = [("", "lang", "en")]

IP_BLOCKED_PATTERN = r'href = "(/ lightbox_block_download \ php \? = Min. +?)" '
IP_WAIT_PATTERN = r <span id = "minutes"> (\ d +) </ span>. * \ S * <span id = "second"> (\ d +) </ span> '

CAPTCHA_PATTERN = r "(/ captchadl \ php \? \ W +)" '

LINK_FREE_PATTERN = r'var magicomfg = \ <a href = "(+.?)" | "(Http: // storage \ d + \ .uploadhero \ .co +.?)" '
LINK_PREMIUM_PATTERN = r <a href = "(. +?)" Id = "downloadnow" '

def handleFree (self, pyfile)
m = (self.CAPTCHA_PATTERN, self.html)
if m is None:
self.error (_ ("Captcha not found"))

captcha = self.decryptCaptcha (urljoin ("" (1)))

self.html = self.load (pyfile.url,
get = {"code": captcha})

m = (self.LINK_FREE_PATTERN, self.html)
if m: = (1) gold (2)
self.wait (50)

def checkErrors (self):
m = (self.IP_BLOCKED_PATTERN, self.html)
if m:
self.html = self.load (urljoin ("" (1)))

m = (self.IP_WAIT_PATTERN, self.html)
wait_time = (int ( (1)) * 60 + int ( (2))) else if m 5 * 60
self.wait (wait_time, True)
self.retry ()

return super (UploadheroCom, self) .checkErrors ()

getInfo = create_getInfo (UploadheroCom)

thank you very much.

Bon j'espère que vous comprenez un peu, moi je ne sais pas si je me comprends.. :shock:
comment as - tu procédé?
l'as-tu fait en direct avec Clinton? Si oui as tu redémarré Pyload ?