Contenu récent par osimood

  1. O

    Changer d'OS

    Je viens de passer de OMV5 à 6 et rien à redire, tout tourne Pour les medias, j'utilise Emby en docker et ca tourne parfaitement
  2. O

    Serveur/NAS DIY

    ca semble bien puissant pour un NAS :) Je tourne mon OMV avec la Asrock J5005-ITX et ca tourne tres tres bien en plus le refroidissement passif evite le bruit De plus, je mettrais un SSD pour la partition systeme, ca aide beaucoup en terme de performance. Du docker avec beaucoup des applications...
  3. O

    Changement d'OS

    Je suis passé de QNAP à Syno à OMV et aucun regret ! L'interface de ces deux premiers est meilleur et intuitive pour l'utilisateur lambda sans aucun doute mais en terme de fonctions.... on oublie!! OMV c est etre libre, des mise à jours en continue, docker sans aucune limitation, mon serveur...
  4. O

    NAS Mort ???

    Bonjour à tous, Je possede un QNAP TS-563 et jusqu'a hier, tout fonctionnait parfaitement. Malheuresement depuis plus rien, je le reboote sans disque il repond, mais avec disques, pas d access via le reseau , les LED des disques flashent ROUGE toutes les 5 secondes et des bipes de temps en...
  5. O

    QNAP [ PHP ] [ 7.2.18 ] PHP FPM replacement for your Qnap embedded Apache server (and more)

    Or I can give you remote access to one ? but I am sure that would help a lot of people.
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    QNAP [ PHP ] [ 7.2.18 ] PHP FPM replacement for your Qnap embedded Apache server (and more)

    I can test if you need me to. I have that hanging and taking dust.
  7. O

    QNAP [ ToolChain x86 & x64 ] [ Debian6 x86 based ] Cross ToolChain - Qnap Source Compilator

    il semble que les fichiers soient inaccessibles. Merci O
  8. O

    QNAP [ PHP ] [ 7.2.18 ] PHP FPM replacement for your Qnap embedded Apache server (and more)

    Hi QoolBox, Is it possible to have the same for x86 machines ? Thanks a lot O
  9. O

    QNAP [Tuto] - Container Station - Apache + PHP

    I created this tuto in order to help people who want to use Apache and PHP without having to depend on a module and to have the flexibility you have with doing things by hand. First of all thank you to Stéphane for his QApache module that gave me the idea to try the container "path" (from...
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    QNAP [ Qapache + PHP 7.2.26 ] [ 2.4.39 ] Apache WebServer + PHP + Extensions

    I personnally moved to a docker container, allowing me to upgrade on demand and mainly to "limit" the possibility of any issue on the main OS. Even though I really wanted to thank you Stéphane, your package really inspired me and made me want to try new stuff. Again, thank you and hope this...
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    QNAP [ Qapache + PHP 7.2.26 ] [ 2.4.39 ] Apache WebServer + PHP + Extensions

    hi Stephane, Questions for future releases: - Is it possible to run the apache process as a different user than Admin (maybe to avoid the issue some of us faced - described above)? - Is it possible to run it in a container (same intended purpose) ? Just wondering, as I am worried for my data...
  12. O

    QNAP [ Qapache + PHP 7.2.26 ] [ 2.4.39 ] Apache WebServer + PHP + Extensions

    or is there any log files or test I can provide to help resolving this for future updates ?
  13. O

    QNAP [ Qapache + PHP 7.2.26 ] [ 2.4.39 ] Apache WebServer + PHP + Extensions

    Out of curiosity, do you use encrypted partitions ?
  14. O

    QNAP [ Qapache + PHP 7.2.26 ] [ 2.4.39 ] Apache WebServer + PHP + Extensions

    Thank you for the update. two small questions Stephane: Any chance to have an x86 version for older NAS that are not supported ? Did you have a look at the issue described above and would have any clue about what is causing it ? Merci beaucoup pour ton boulot ! O